Red Bean Glutinous Rice Ball

🌸 May the teachings of the Buddha guide us toward wisdom, compassion, and inner peace. Happy Wesak! 🙏


  • 3/4 cup red beans (or buy the ready to use paste)
  • Rock sugar, to taste
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 bag of glutinous rice flour (400 g)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 can of coconut milk (400 mL)
  • 1/2 cup of DAILYLAC Whole Milk (120 mL water + 2 tbsp (12.5 g) DAILYLAC Whole Milk powder)
  • 1 cup of shredded fine coconut (we used unsweetened)


Step 1

Soak red beans overnight. Boil drained beans on medium-low heat for up to 1.5 hours. Add water and rock sugar accordingly to sweeten

Step 2

Drain and use a food processor to blend according to desired consistency, whole beans, or a paste. To make a paste add vegetable oil to the blended beans.

Step 3

Combine glutinous rice flour and sugar in a bowl. Slowly stir in coconut milk and DAILYLAC Whole Milk until the texture is stiffer than the pancake batter. Those who prefer a softer texture may add more milk.

Step 4

Grease a shallow dish, pour the mixture, and steam for 45 minutes to an hour until fully cooked. Divide into two batches if needed for a smaller dish.

Step 5

After cooling the mochi, form it into balls. Flatten a golf ball-sized piece into a round disc, add red bean paste in the center, fold the edges to seal, and shape it into a uniform ball. Coat with coconut.